End of Year Tech Coach Wrap Up

Hello, Blog Followers!

With the end in sight, we wanted to send out one last update from your favorite (ok, only) instructional tech coaches before we all take off for the summer. If you have any questions about any of our updates, please feel free to reach out to us and we'll do our best to support you.

~Stephen & Susie


Make Future You Happy
  • Write down important logins and passwords that you may forget if you aren't typing them out all summer (or meet with us for help backing them up) (Google, Synergy, etc).
  • Make sure you have back up codes printed or take a photo with your phone for 2 factor authentication. You can also sign up to receive texted codes on your phone.
  • Save your limited working memory! Send yourself a scheduled email that lists important "where did I put that…" information (remotes, cords, files, manipulatives, etc)
  • Software/Apps/Etc: If you find new tools or resources that you are excited about this summer, share them. We will periodically check the app request form to relay new requests to Curriculum & Tech for alignment and Student Data Privacy agreements.
  • PolyStudio Cameras: These are considered room equipment. They remain stored in classrooms and are not turned into the technology department.
  • Prometheans: Reminder that these stay in your classroom space. Technology does not store them or move them for the summer.
  • Room-related Technology Concerns (Network, projector, Apple TV, audio system, etc.): Please put in a tech ticket request to let the technology team know that there is a need that can be addressed over the summer to ensure you are ready to go when you return in the fall.
  • Styluses: Tech coaches will again collect styluses. Please drop off your class set, if you signed one out, in the coaches office. We will inventory and store them for the summer, then prep and distribute your sets in the fall.
  • Charging Stations: If you were given a classroom charging station to house for a floor/clan in the building, please return it to the coaches office. The cords that you have will not work for next year's iPads, which will be USB C chargers. We're hoping to be able to rectify that over the summer so we can return the bases to you this fall.
Tech Tools Update
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MSAD #6 - Bonny Eagle Schools
Buxton - Hollis - Limington - Standish - Frye Island, Maine
Helping all students to reach their full potential


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