Digital planners and Ditch the Apps - Sept. 26-30 Inst. Tech. Tips

Hello, Blog Followers.
Congratulations on finishing out the first month of the school year in style. It's hard to believe that we have just about rounded the corner to October. Just click on the image below to read our tips and access the links.

There are a couple other updates from the technology side of things that we are including here to minimize your emails:

Google Updates

Synergy Updates
  • As of September 21st, student gmail username and password are visible to both students and parents in their StudentVUE/ParentVUE accounts.  For ease of access for them. Therefore, if a student or parent can log into Synergy, they can see the appropriate username and password under Student Info.

As always, if we can do anything to help in any way, please book time with us on our website, (Yes, it's actually really working like it should be now!). We go where our calendar takes us as we help to get everyone up and running. Once the dust starts to settle down, we'll each have a "homebase" school for the day. But we love to get our steps in, so book us up for any time that works for you.

Susie & Stephen

Instr. Tech. Coach for Bonny Eagle Middle School & High School
������  Make an appointment with us! ������
Ed.S. Instructional Technology, M.Ed. Technology in Education, B.S. Technology Education
Pathfinders - Spring Girls Trip Leader (Grades 7-8)
ACTEM Board Member: Tech Integrator SIG Position
Google Certified Trainer  |  Google Certified Educator Level 2  |  Apple Teacher
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MSAD #6 - Bonny Eagle Schools
Buxton - Hollis - Limington - Standish - Frye Island, Maine
Helping all students to reach their full potential


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