Lots to share this week... (Tech Tips for April 5-9)

Hello, Blog Followers.
This one is a bit more jam packed than normal, but hopefully you'll get through to the end of it.

Starting this week, Apple will be offering "A Day in the Life of iPad" sessions on Wednesdays. I will be participating in one of the sessions so that I can up my game before students have their iPads this fall. Please consider joining one of the sessions!

What you'll learn
  • Experience new iPad OS file management tools, advanced multitasking features, built-in screen recording, and augmented reality.
  • See how iPad OS supports and enhances Google workflows.
  • Find out how educators can get the most from Apple technology through free resources and services that support on-going professional learning.

Sessions will be held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. each day. Please click the link to register for the day and time that works best for you. 

Session Date
10:00 am Registration
2:00 pm Registration
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The last piece of today's email is that I won't be available on April 9th & 12th and then will be working remotely next week. So I won't be doing any in person appointments next week, but I will be responding to your emails and meeting with folks via Google Meet.

By the way, happy birthday to my "work bestie", Laurie Delaney (one of the K-5 tech coaches)! I could not have survived doing another round of grad school (most of it during the pandemic) without you.

Susie Simmons

Technology Coach for Bonny Eagle Middle School & High School
������  Make an appointment with me! ������
Ed.S. Instructional Technology, M.Ed. Technology in Education, B.S. Technology Education
Pathfinders - Spring Girls Trip Leader (Grades 7-8)
ACTEM Board Member: Tech Integrator SIG Position
Google Certified Trainer  |  Google Certified Educator Level 2  |  Apple Teacher

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MSAD #6 - Bonny Eagle Schools
Buxton - Hollis - Limington - Standish - Frye Island, Maine
Helping all students to reach their full potential


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