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Hi, everyone.
Your email has been overwhelmed within the last few days, but I wanted to be sure that you saw this resource that a team of us have been setting up to try and HELP all of you while reducing the emails we need to send out to folks with resources. You can find the BE Remote Learning website here.

On the site, you can find a couple key pieces that are meant to help make your remote teaching life easier:
  • Literacy Resource: Where you can find free online books for students and access our brand new VIRTUAL BOOK CLUB for all students and staff in the district.
  • Resources: Find something awesome or looking for a resource for a particular subject/grade/etc? This page is for you! You can share the resources you find using the Google Form and then they will be automatically included on the resources webpage.
  • Video Conferencing: Need extra support with how to connect with your students/parents via audio and/or video? This page is for you! How to guides, etc. will be shared.
  • Workshops: Need live support as we transition to remote learning? Check out this page for our calendar of live online workshops and check out the archive for past records (as they are available). You can also subscribe to the calendar so you can see upcoming events right in your Google Calendar. Want us to offer a workshop on something? Reach out to me! What you see on there now is based on what you have told me you want offered. I am always excited to do them so just let me know!

Our hope is that this resource makes this time easier for us all and gives you the support that you need as we get used to this new normal.

Thank you for all of your hardwork and dedication. You guys are awesome!

Susie Simmons

Technology Coach for Bonny Eagle Middle School & High School
Pathfinders - Spring Girls Trip Leader (Grades 7-8)
ACTEM Board Member: Tech Integrator SIG Position
Google Certified Trainer  |  Google Certified Educator Level 2  |  Apple Teacher

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MSAD #6 - Bonny Eagle Schools
Buxton - Hollis - Limington - Standish - Frye Island, Maine
Helping all students to reach their full potential


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