Let's focus more on SAMR and integration... (Techie Tuesday 1/21/2020)

Hi, Blog Followers!
Here is this week's Techie Tuesday. You can see all of my weekly slides and access all of the links by clicking on the slide below and then using the arrows to scroll through the other slides in the deck. For this week's Techie Tuesday, I'm switching stuff up a bit to focus a bit more on SAMR in terms of specific ways that you can modify what your students are doing to integrate more technology into your classroom. You can learn more about SAMR on this webpage. Do you have an assignment that you want me to dig into for you? Please send it my way! Additionally, I've been taking existing worksheets, such as the TED talk worksheet, and creating digital versions that are easy to share with your students. Although on the substitution end of the SAMR pool, it's a great way to get your feet wet. Have something you do on paper that you want to do digitally? Send it to me and I'll generate it for you!

I aim to be as easily accessible as possible so I can help as many folks as I can. With that in mind, you can make an appointment with me right on my website, which is also easy to remember because it's just SimmonsClassroom.com. If you see a slot open, you can grab it! I've gone back and forth between the MS and HS almost 10 times in a day before. I love to get my steps in! You can book me for anywhere from 15 minutes to the entire day as long as I have an opening in my calendar. I have also added a calendar on my appointment page so you know what building I'm going to be hanging my hat in just in case you want to pop by and say hi. Check it out!

Let me know if I can do anything at all to help, Blog Followers.


Technology Coach for Bonny Eagle Middle School & High School
Pathfinders - Spring Girls Trip Leader (Grades 7-8)
ACTEM Board Member: Tech Integrator SIG Position
Google Certified Trainer  |  Google Certified Educator Level 2  |  Apple Teacher

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MSAD #6 - Bonny Eagle Schools
Buxton - Hollis - Limington - Standish - Frye Island, Maine
Helping all students to reach their full potential


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