A new year begins! (Techie Tuesday - Sept. 3rd)

Hi, Blog Followers!
I can't believe that the 2019-20 school year is under way. Where exactly did summer go?

For those of you who don't know me, I am the tech coach for teachers/staff in grades 6-12. As much as my title has tech in it or how much I work with the tech department, I am actually a teacher and am not a tech department staff member. I am here to help YOU with your technology integration. In a way, you can think of me as your go to person for any and all tech professional development needs. But I don't handle tech tickets. We have an awesome group of folks in the tech department that handle those. ðŸ˜Ž

Here is the menu of ways I can serve you:
  • Co-Teaching: Two heads are better than one! Let me teach with you for a day! We can work together to make sure that problems are solved and students get the individual attention they need. I should probably be involved in your planning as well for this to be most effective. Google Expeditions would be included in this option.
  • Feedback: Our students crave timeline and specific feedback. Teachers are no different. Invite me over and let me join your class! I can debrief with you afterwards and talk about what I saw. I am purely non-evaluative so I can offer stress-free coaching and mentoring.
  • Model Teaching: Don't feel confident enough to teach a lesson that uses a lot of technology? I've got your back. Take a back seat for a class and I can show you some best practices and strategies for true integration.
  • Planning: All major instructional problems are solved with planning. I can join you or your team as you plan instruction. I may not be an expert in your content, but I am great at thinking of way to integrate technology. I can help you plan lessons that are engaging and help your students build 21st century skills.
  • Professional Group: I would love to be involved in as many professional learning communities (department, team, PLC/PLG, etc.) as I can possibly squeeze into my schedule. Common formative assessments, remediation, and analyzing data can all be improved with current technology.
  • Professional Learning: What do you want to learn about? I can teach you about Google Apps for Education, virtual and augmented reality, 3D designing, formative assessments, SAMR, Twitter, and anything else related to instructional technology you can think of.
I aim to be as easily accessible as possible so I can help as many folks as I can. With that in mine, you can make an appointment with me right on my website, which is also easy to remember because it's just SimmonsClassroom.com. If you see a slot open, you can grab it! I've gone back and forth between the MS and HS almost 10 times in a day before. I love to get my steps in! You can book me for anywhere from 15 minutes to the entire day as long as I have the opening in my calendar.

Now, without further ado, here is my slide of tech tips for this week. I'll be sending one out each Tuesday this year to keep you informed about educational technology tips, tricks, and news. As a reminder, you can see the tips from the past weeks by clicking on the slide below and then using the arrows to scroll through the other slides in the deck.

Do let me know if I can do anything at all to help your year start off strong, Blog Followers. I'm looking forward to working with you!

Susie Simmons

Technology Coach for Bonny Eagle Middle School & High School
Pathfinders - Spring Girls Trip Leader (Grades 7-8)
Google Certified Educator Level 2 & Apple Teacher


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MSAD #6 - Bonny Eagle Schools
Buxton - Hollis - Limington - Standish - Frye Island, Maine
Helping all students to reach their full potential


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