Do you think about student data privacy? (Techie Thursday for January 24th)

Hi, Blog Followers!
This week's Techie Thursday includes an important link to help you get acquainted with student data privacy. As the state digs deeper into it, the changes that result will very likely impact your classroom. I would highly recommend that you start thinking about how student data is being used in your classroom and what tools you use that could be impacted. A big one will be if you use a tool other than Gmail or Synergy to communicate with parents about their children because that data is not being retained by the school. We are still fleshing out what it will all mean for us in the end, but best to start thinking about it so that you are better prepared later. I'm happy to sit down and chat with anyone about what they are using if that would help.

This week's Techie Thursday features another giveaway! New to the prize bag are BE swag including hand sanitizer and badge holders. (Thanks to the tech department for hooking me up!) Check out the image below for details and to access all of the links on the slide. If you have a tool you would like me to research for different options, just drop me a line.

If you'd like to get together to learn about any of these things, plan a lesson together integrating more technology, get some guidance with setting up your GP/HOW check in on Synergy, or get non-evaluative feedback just set up an appointment with me on my website at

And, as always, you can see the tips from the past weeks by clicking on the slide below and then using the arrows to scroll through the other slides in the deck.

Susie Simmons

Technology Coach for Bonny Eagle Middle School & High School
Google Certified Educator Level 2 & Apple Teacher


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MSAD #6 - Bonny Eagle Schools
Buxton - Hollis - Limington - Standish - Frye Island, Maine
Helping all students to reach their full potential


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