Habits of Work & Guiding Principles Self Assessment on Synergy

As part of this week's Techie Thursday post, I mentioned that I created a "Habits of Work & Guiding Principles Self Assessment". I used a school wide rubric from the high school to create a four question self assessment that will automatically grade the students on each of the HOWs/GPs and then enter it into your grade book. I would recommend using it as a formative assignment with your students and then entering your own grades in as a summative. It's a great way to get your kids used to taking assessments on Synergy AND, since it goes right into your grade book, it's also a good way to keep your grade book active and inform your parents/guardians how their student is doing.

This is what the questions look like for teachers:

And then this is what the question actually looks like for a student:

Let me know how it works out for you!

Never stop learning. Susie from SimmonsClassroom.com


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