Techie Thursday for October 11, 2018

Needless to say, last week's techie Thursday note was delayed a few days. But I have a good reason! I was off at the annual ACTEM conference in Augusta where I presented four sessions covering topics like creating VR tours, my favorite AR/VR apps, automating your work to make life easier, and about 3D printing in grade K-12. I also got to see Joe Sanfelippo, who is a superintendent from Wisconsin, and the author of Hacking Leadership. I laughed. And, yes, I cried. He was a phenomenal speaker and definitely one of my all time favorites. I would highly recommend checking him out and also follow #GoCrickets on Twitter. He's down an amazing job in his school and it's easy to see why they have applicants from around the country for jobs at their school. If you have never been to ACTEM, it happens every October in Augusta. They'll be looking for presentation proposals this spring. If you'd like to collaborate on a session, let me know! I love co-presenting with folks and it's a great way to get into the conference for free. Just let me know if you're interested!

Now, onto the Techie Thursday that I meant to share last week. Click on the image below to access all of the links on the slide. If you have a tool you would love me to research for different options, just drop me a line. And, if you'd like to get together to learn about any of these things, plan a lesson together integrating more technology, or get non-evaluative feedback just set up an appointment with me on my website at

And, as always, you can see the tips from the past weeks by clicking on the slide below and then using the arrows to scroll through the other slides in the deck.

I'm already working on the Techie Thursday for this week. Want me to look into something for you? Just let me know! I'm always happy to help.

Never stop learning. Susie from


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