Assessing the Guiding Principles at BEMS on Infinite Campus

Earlier this week I was asked to share my directions for how to assess the guiding principles on Infinite Campus. For those of you who were at BEMS last year, not a lot has changed beyond that we are assessing on three guiding principles only twice per trimester. If you are new to BEMS or would rather have a 1:1 refresher, you can certainly make an appointment with me and I can walk you through the process and show you how easy it is.

Before you look at the directions, keep in mind that your grade calc options and your category for them should already be in your gradebook since I set them up for most users this summer. If that pertains to you, you can just to step 3 in the directions below. If you need to set them up yourself, step 1 walks you through the grade calc option setup process and then step 2 shows you how to create the category.

Without further ado, here are my directions. I will also be linking to the Google Document on my Infinite Campus page for reference later.

Never stop learning. Susie from


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