Cheat Sheet for Infinite Campus

This document only pertains to faculty at Bonny Eagle. If you are a faculty member, please log in with your school email address to view the document.

I don't know about you, but I've been struggling to keep up with how Infinite Campus needs to be set up for grading. Well, I decided to make my own cheat sheets to walk me through the different options that each school needs to have set up. Like everything this year, I might wind up needing to change a few items. But, as far as I know, these are as accurate as they can be and as succinct as possible to make it an easy reference for you.

P.S. You do need to be logged into Google in order to see the Google Slides below. You can use the link under each cheat sheet to access the viewable Google Slides to print a copy for easy reference.

Never stop learning. Susie from


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