Free iBooks from PBS for K-8

This morning I found myself being sucked back into the Twitter world clicking away at tons of awesome resources that are being shared from around the country (and world). It's such a great way to catch up on little bit that I might have missed for new and cool tools for educational technologies. One such link brought me to a new set of iBooks from PBS designed to enhance technology in the classroom through "subject-targeted iBooks includes curriculum-based videos, lesson plans, and more."

The iBook series currently features four titles:
I went ahead and checked out No Nonsense Grammar iBook since I primarily work with middle and high school teachers. The iBook is broken down into three distinct sections: parts of speech, parts of sentence, and mechanics. "Each chapter fulfills a variety of standards, including Common Core State Standards, as well as the NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts, and College and Career Readiness Standards For Adult Education." I think my favorite features of the iBook are the teaching tips at the beginning of each lesson providing points to review, need to know, and ways to expand your knowledge. The lessons themselves are as solid as we've come to expect from PBS. They seem well laid out and easy to follow. I also like that they provide a target for how long it is expected to take, which makes planning it into your class even easier.

If you are an ELA teacher, I highly recommend checking out the No Nonsense Grammar iBook on either your iPad or laptop. It's very accessible from either device.

Never stop learning. Susie from


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