Infinite Campus Reference Guides & Other Reminders

As you wrap up T2 and get going for T3, keep in mind that I have a dedicated page for Infinite Campus related guides on my website. You'll find my (updated) directions for how to post, recommended GP assignment dates for the middle schools, and my screencasts all in one spot to make it easy.

Additionally, please remember to make an appointment with me if you need help. I base my location for any given day on where my appointments are scheduled and I'm often bopping back and forth, especially during grading periods. Booking me is the only way you can guarantee that I'll be where you want me to be. You can book me right on my website and it will create an event on your calendar and send you a confirmation email immediately (as well as show you a thank you screen on my website).

If you need immediate help and using the chat in your Gmail login, you can also send me a message and I'll do my best to help as quickly as I can.

Have a great Pi day, everyone!

Never stop learning. Susie from


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