Fall Season Roundup

Photo courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons, Photo User HORIZON
It just occurred to me how long it has been since I posted anything over here. Not that I think anyone really noticed! Fall, for me, is the busiest time of year between the transitions back to school and the conferences around the state. But I survived! Phew! So, as I get back in to the swing of things with a more normal schedule, here is a round up of things from this fall:

  • I presented at both ACTEM15 and MAMLE15 this fall. At ACTEM I covered Choose Your Own Adventure Videos and Beyond the Basics of Google Classroom. While at MAMLE for the second year in a row, I talked about Google Classroom Basics and Hearing Crickets (covering response system options) in addition to a session on Beyond the Basics. To summarize them, all presentations really go best with reliable internet and, needless to say, both conferences struggled with that.
  • Grading with standards on Infinite Campus continues to be a popular topic. It has certainly been a moving target this fall. I created a screencast with detailed steps to guide you throw the process. And then the process changed. You know how it goes. So I'll have to start over again, but will reserve that for when the dust settles and some of the outstanding questions are answered.
  • This month I co-hosted the sixth "web-isode" of About TIME & Beyond!, which is a Google Hangout on Air I started with Mike Arsenault from Yarmouth last year (broadcast runs the first Wednesday of each month at 3:30PM). We talk about everything involving technology integration in Maine & beyond (get it?). Our continuing conversation is about helping to prepare our pre-service teachers for our technology rich classrooms. Interested in getting involved? Let me know! We'd love to get some connections made to classrooms with the same subjects these students are hoping to work in.
  • A lot of progress is being made to create many of the forms you typically filled out on paper into electronic versions to make it easier for everyone and streamline the data flow. The course failure form at the high school is the latest one that is in progress. Hopefully more are to follow!
  • I recently shared how to set up discussion boards and copy assignments from coworkers into your own curriculum on Infinite Campus during my monthly training session with the middle school staff. Expect more resources on both to come along soon from me if you are at the high school or missed out.
  • I was recently asked to join the Google Classroom Experts team, which is a team of folks who provide support for GAFE users on social media, especially through the Google for Education Help Forum. Through that connection, I have been working with the Classroom team at Google to start a group with some teachers here at the middle and high schools to pilot Classroom. It's certainly an exciting opportunity for us!
The past two weeks have been challenging for our community. But we're all Bonny Eagle Strong. Keep you head up.

Never stop learning. Susie from SimmonsClassroom.com


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