Lots (and lots) of Google Classroom Updates!

I am so super excited to share Google's blog post with their latest updates to Classroom. I see a lot of things that have been in the works for a while and frequent requests, so the timing could not be more perfect as we hit the ground running on Monday.
The quick list of highlights includes:

  • Asking questions is now a possibility in addition to the assignments and announcements from last year.
  • Reuse old assignments, announcements or questions.
  • Integration with Google Calendar is coming within the next month with new calendars being created for each Google Classroom class.
  • Bump a post to the top instead of reposting.
  • Due dates are no longer required.
  • Attach a Google Form to a post, which is super helpful with Flubaroo to automatically grab quizzes.
If you aren't using an online work system, I highly recommend that you check out Classroom. It is SUPER easy to use and makes managing your digital classroom workflow really easy.


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