Infinite Campus Grade Book Back-Up (Written Directions)

Earlier this week I posted a video of how to download your grade book from Infinite Campus, which is especially useful before the big updates tonight for those of us in Maine. I heard that folks wanted more 1:1 attention with it, so I prepared the written directions below to try and make it easier.

Log in to Infinite Campus and open Campus Instruction.

  1. Scroll down in the left hand column until you see "Reports (Grade Book)"

  2. Select "Grade Book Export" from the drop down menu shown.

  3. Select the section you want to download from the drop down menu. I'd recommend starting with your first block of the trimester and working your way down the list from there.

  4. The file format will likely already be set as Comma Separated. Please leave it as that option to make recovery, if needed, easier.
  5. Then select "Generate Report" and the file will automatically be downloaded to wherever you have selected (typically your Downloads folder by default). BONUS STEP: You can find the files and rename them to the appropriate section. But we're all hoping we won't actually ever need to use the backups.

  6. Repeat this process for all sections you would like to download.
Hopefully that helps!


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