Infographic from May 6th PLAYDATE

Last week we held our final technology training of the 2014-15 school year during the late arrival days. Over the course of the year, each school had at least one morning (the HS had 2) with all of the technology integrators from the district as well as other technology leaders. I kicked off the year with the HS staff with the PLAYDATE model of PD time based on the limited amount of time we would have and how I thought the staff would most appreciate the time being used. I made changes to the final session of the year based on the feedback I received and tried to make the combined MS/HS session more successful. I will be providing more specific response to the questions and comments that were raised in the feedback I received. However, I wanted to share an overview of the PLAYDATE with everyone so you knew that I looked at what you shared with me. I use Piktochart to create this infographic looking at the data.


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