Google Classroom Updates!

Surprise, surprise! Google Classroom did updates last week! I'll admit that I saw some of these coming.

Add Co-Teachers!

When you sign in to Classroom, it will walk you through how to add co-teachers very easily. However, if you haven't checked it out yet, here's a quick view:

  1. Navigate into the class you'd like to add a co-teacher to and click on the "About" tab. You'll see the "Invite Teacher" button in the bottom left hand corner of this screenshot.

  2. You'll then be prompted to select/search for a teacher in the @BonnyEagle domain. Want to try it out, find me and add me as a co-teacher! At least then I won't be a lazy student in your classes if I have joined it.

Draft Announcements and Assignments!

Have you ever wanted to set up your posts for the day/week in advance of class? Well, you can now create draft posts to publish later! It doesn't look like you can schedule them yet, but I'm sure that's on their radar. Or I hope it is!
  1. When you create a post or announcement, it will automatically save the post as you are preparing it. You can also click on the down arrow next to post and select "Save a Draft".

Grading Without Returning

  • You can now give grades without being required to return the assignment to the student. Saved grades are not yet shown to the students. Students will only see their grade when you have returned the assignment to them.


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