Are you just hearing crickets?

Do you ask your students questions and then hear crickets? Getting any sort of feedback can be a challenge to say the least. But you can implement a backchannel or informal assessment tool in order to change that. Students are more apt to tell you what they think if they are more comfortable doing so or if the expectation is that they are ALL doing it and not just those who volunteer.

I have talked about Socrative and Kahoot! before and both have been big hits in many classrooms. I can tell when a classroom is Kahoot!'ing when the noise level goes up, in a good way, because the students are so engaged.

But there are lots more options to consider and more are coming on the market all the time. If neither Socrative or Kahoot! does what you want or you want to compare them to other options, I highly recommend that you go check out Richard Byrnes comparison chart he posted last fall. It compares nine of the options that are on the market and gives you an easy way to decide what one you'd like to explore further.

And, as always, let me know if you'd like help implementing it or if you'd like me to visit your classroom as a wingwoman when you use it. I am always happy to help! Just book me up!


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