Official Press Release: BEMS Names Apple Distinguished School!

Hot off the presses! I wanted to start Wednesday off on a high note by sharing the official press release announcing that Bonny Eagle Middle School has been named an Apple Distinguished School. It was a lengthy, in-depth project that really gave us a method through which to examine our integration of technology at BEMS. I am super proud to be part of such an awesome school and community.
Bonny Eagle Middle School named Apple Distinguished School
Buxton, Maine — January 6, 2015 — Bonny Eagle Middle School is pleased to announce it has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2014–2016 for its creative and innovative use of technology in the classroom. By providing universal access to current technology hardware and software, teaching and practicing skills in managing information technology, and utilizing technology as an enhancement of instruction, Bonny Eagle Middle School epitomizes these beliefs and strategies every day. 
The Apple Distinguished School designation is reserved for programs that meet criteria for innovation, leadership, and educational excellence, and demonstrate a clear vision of exemplary learning environments. 
“Bonny Eagle Middle School thrives in its belief that Apple technology empowers our learning community to construct comprehensive educational experiences that challenge all students to reach their full potential and enhance learning.” – Mick Roy, Stacy Schatzabel, Ben Harris, Bonny Eagle Middle School administrators 
The selection of Bonny Eagle Middle School as an Apple Distinguished School highlights the School’s success as an innovative and compelling learning environment that engages students and provides tangible evidence of academic accomplishment. Bonny Eagle Middle School embeds technology into all aspects of the School.  Over the past three years, Bonny Eagle Middle School has seen the mean math scores surpass the national mean.  Over the same time period, Bonny Eagle Middle School has implemented several web-based programs and applications designed to meet students at their academic level and systematically increase the difficulty. Through the use of technology, teachers are able to focus their instruction on the academic needs of students. 
Likewise, staff members use technology as part of the teacher effectiveness system that promotes professional growth and development, and enables efficient and effective communication by engaging teachers and professional learning communities in reflective and collaborative work. In addition, staff uses technology to design standards, assessments, rubrics and reporting.Bonny Eagle Middle School provides 1:1 laptop technology to all 882 students in grades 6-8.  Students from Bonny Eagle Middle School come from the communities of Buxton, Hollis, Limington, and Standish, Maine.  
Press contact:
School representative: Michael Roy
Title: Principal
Phone: (207) 929-3833
Email: [email protected]


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