Hour of Code at BEMS Alt. Ed.

This morning I spent time hanging out with the kids over at BEMS Alternative Ed as they all participated in doing an "Hour of Code" in their math class. It was a really big success! The students were blasting through the tutorials and were so focused. I even remarked to Mrs. LeConte that I had never heard it be that quiet. The students were so engaged! Several have already requested that they do it again and want to make games they can put on their mobile devices.

I know that there were teachers that were hesitant about doing the Hour of Code in their own classrooms because they don't know how to code. But this morning was proof that you really don't need to know how!

Although the official week of the Hour of Code is over, it's not too late to get in on the action. Next week would be an awesome time to do an hour of code in your classroom. I did one making snowflakes with Elsa this morning that was fun and seasonally appropriate.

If you want to make it happen and need extra support to do it, just make an appointment with me and I'll come in and be your wingman!


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