Do you need a backup?

I know that the idea of moving further into the SAMR model and going beyond simply replacing old tools with technology (versus using tech to go deeper) is scary and overwhelming. Add in the "what if it goes wrong" and the instinct is to avoid it all together. So, I really want to try to help make it no so overwhelming.

If you are going to be using a technology in your classroom for a lesson and you think you would be more comfortable if you had a backup, let me know! I can come in and simply be available to help troubleshoot problems or answer questions that your kiddos have. I'm not there to teach the lesson, but more to provide you with a boost of confidence to make it successful.

All you need to do is book me during my office hours and tell me what you are going to be using so that I can be prepared in advance. Or, if you know that you'll need backup and it's a little ways out, just get in touch and I'll adjust my schedule to be there for you! Remember, I'm not there to teach your lesson. I'm there to have your back.


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