Upcoming Changes to Google Forms

Last week while I was at the ACTEM conference in Augusta, I came across a tweet on Twitter with the developer's calendar for Google. Now I'll know when changes are coming so I can keep everyone informed if something happens that they need to know about it! The first update that I wanted to share has to do with older Google Forms. For those of you who have used it this fall, you may have noticed the ability to limit submissions to once per username as well as lots of new themes. For forms that were made longer ago, Google is going to start auto-upgrading them to the new version starting next week. Here is the formal announcement:
"In the coming weeks, we’ll begin auto-upgrading all legacy forms created in the old version of Google Forms (those created prior to February 2013) to the new version. The new version of Forms supports higher response rates and advanced features like custom themes, randomizing questions, and one response per person.
All responses from the old Forms will migrate seamlessly to the new version. Legacy form themes and stylings will migrate as well with potential visual differences. After the upgrade is complete, a notification will appear when an editor opens any upgraded form, indicating that the upgrade has occurred. At that point, we recommend choosing a newer theme (or customizing one) to ensure a smooth user experience with your form
In the future, we’ll be auto-converting legacy themes to comparable versions in the new system, which will allow for theme customization and a better mobile experience (additional communication to follow in advance of this change)."

I'll keep you posted if I see any other exciting updates/upgrades coming down the pipe!


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