Gradebook Troubleshooting

  • Assignments and categories ONLY go in to TRIMESTER grade! If you are posting grades for assignments in midterm grade or final grade, you are going to get into hot water with it not working right. In fact, that could be why studentsaren't seeing your grades. If you have grades NOT in TRIMESTER then please, please make an appointment with me to fix it. Or be sure that you take screenshots (command + shift + 4) of it all before you try to fix it just in case you lose anything.
  • If you don't see anything in the "In Progress" column for the calculated grade, you have not set up your grade calc options yet. You must do this for every section that you teach for the whole year. It is not a universal option.
    • Leave the top section alone.
    • High School: Change the midterm, trimester, and exam task type to be "In Progress Grade" and then BEHS Numeric. Change the final grade task type to be "In Progress Grade" and then BEHS Alpha from the drop down menu.
      Middle School: Change the fill calculation type to be BEMS Numeric.
      • If you'd like to weight your categories, check the box for "Weight Categories" under the Trimester Grade task. If you don't check it, all of the categories will be weighted equally.
      • If you have assignments with varying point amounts and would like them to all be worth the same, then check the "Use Score's % Value" box and IC will calculate what percentage of the points the student earned for each assignment. If you don't check it, it will see a 20 point assignment being worth twice what a 10 point is.
If you are still lost and need help, just make an appointment with me and we'll get you squared away. You can make an appointment on my website at slot is labeled with which school I am available for appointments at (MS, HS, or MS/HS meaning either school). Please include what you are looking to cover in the description so I can be prepared for our session.


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