There comes a time when you want to block someone from finding you on Google+. If you don't know what Google+ is then this likely doesn't apply to you. But it is basically a social network on Google that you can use to communicate with other people such as through communities, groups, and other postings. It is also used for
Google Connected Classrooms.
If you are on it and you would like to block someone, it is fairly easy to do. The
Google support document is fairly helpful, but lacks the screenshots to make it clear where to click. So here are
directions, with screenshots, to take you through the process.
Step 1. Log in to Google+ by clicking on the +(Your Name) in the upper right hand corner of your Gmail Screen. |
Step 2. Search for the person you want to block via the search bar at the top. |
Step 3. Once you are on the person's profile, click on the down arrow under their photo on the left side at the top of their profile (circled in red above). |
Step 4. Check the box at the top of the pop up to block this user and then click "Done". The user is now blocked. Keep in mind what block means (review the gray text under the block checkbox for clarification). |
Optional: If you want to unblock a user, repeat the same process to find the user and then hover on the "unblock" button under their photo on the left side of their profile. A popup, as shown above, will appear and you can then unblock them. |
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