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Direction to Add Your School's Calendar:
  1. Log in to your school Google account and navigate to your calendar.
  2. Under "Other Calendars" on the left hand side, paste the URL for your school (shown below) into the field where it says "Add a coworker's calendar" and hit "Enter".

    • BEMS Calendar: bonnyeagle.org_1rl80ft0in9j6snp65b9dlrv5s@group.calendar.google.com
    • BEHS Calendar: bonnyeagle.org_fqto5t1kkrb5pnl30a189qcd7c@group.calendar.google.com
  3. You should now see the calendar appear under your "Other Calendars" list in Google Calendar. You can hide it or show it by clicking on it's name. The color shown to the left of the calendar name is the color that those events appear as on your calendar.


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