Webinar: Video in the Classroom

Not wanting to head into vacation with recording my webinar from the week looming over my head, here is my video from this week! I did it in only one take, much like I recommending during the workshop, and I know I flubbed some of it. But I'm human!
Creating videos is perfect for flipping the classroom or just providing your students with materials if they aren't in class. Better yet, get used to doing it yourself and then flip the roles and have your students create the videos explaining how they do a task, reviewing a chemical reaction, or complete a math problem. It will help them to achieve a higher level of understanding since they can't just regurgitate what you've said. And you can build a bank of videos to use year after year instead of having to reinvent the wheel all the time.

Check out my screencast, below, and be sure to go over to my other website to navigate through the presentation at your own pace and click on the links I have to each of the tools I talk about.


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