Inkle Writer Reminds Me of Choose Your Own Adventure Stories

Do you have a student(s) who would benefit from a more creative outlet for writing? Well, if you a familiar with choose your own adventure books, you might want to check out Inkle Writer. The idea is pretty simple: write a book with links in it to take the reader to different portions of the book depending on what they click on. It gives the writer their book to share with others right within their browser window and the page gets longer as they click on the different pieces. If you want to check it out for yourself, click here for an example.
Conveniently, they don't require students to be able to access outside email in order to start writing and the tool is 100% free. You can see their information about Inkle in education on this webpage and there are step by step directions to get started on this page.

Check it out and let me know what you (and your students) think! I'd love to see our creative writing students get their hands on it.


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