High School March 28th In-Service Workshops

On Friday, March 28th, the high school staff will be participating in technology workshops after lunch. I went through and sent everyone that was on the list of the high school staff their sessions, locations, presenters, and any work/items that they should bring with them to make the most of that time. The sessions are meant to give the presenters time to share their knowledge and then you time to actually play with the tool.

I wanted to clarify a few points:

  • I assigned sessions for (almost) everyone that was on the high school staff list that was supplied to me. I knew that not everyone on the list would be require to be there on Friday (such as ed tech staff or secretaries) while others had different work to be done. I chose to paint broadly and retract as needed than have anyone felt left out. So, if you were assigned to a session and are scheduled to be elsewhere, just give me a heads up so I can correct our attendance sheets.
  • iBooks Author: I sent out emails to all of the participants, but just to reiterate. This workshop covers BOTH sessions and you are to attend both of them if you are assigned to it. I did not make it as clear as I should have in my assignment emails. Hindsight 20/20 and all. iBooks Author is a very in depth program and the decision was made to make it a double session so that you will have time to play, too.
If you want to review the topics that we are covering or want to check out the room assignments, please visit this website.

I will be creating a feedback form, which will be posted on the website, for you to fill out at the end of each session.

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes away from Friday with!


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