Voice Comments with Google Drive via Kaizena

As more and more teachers move over to using Google Drive, the opportunities to provide feedback to our students is growing by leaps and bounds. I know that some of you out there love being able to type in feedback within Google Drive or maybe have started using dictation within your Mac to transfer your speech in to text comments in the document. Let's take that one step further.

I found Kaizena a couple weeks ago and think it is a great, easy additional app to use with your Google Drive assignments. Why? Well, Kaizena is a free app that lets your record audio comments to any Google Drive item along with highlighting and comments. So, instead of whipping out your red pen (or trusty keyboard) you can now use your own voice to tell them your thoughts.

If you are interested in it, here is a tutorial video I found on YouTube. And you can always make an appointment with me during my office hours or just stop by and we can look at it together.

YouTube Tutorial Video


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