November Teachers of the Month!

At the beginning of November, I announced that I would be awarding teachers points in Class Dojo for coming to my workshops or utilizing my office hours. Whoever got the most "monster points", as I called them, at each school would be my teacher of the month and I would give them a present to thank them for coming to see me.

Well, it was a tight race at both schools. So I wound up using to choose a name from the top teachers who were tied for the top spot. Drum roll please....

The November 2013 Teachers of the Month

  • Sue Hill, English at the High School
    In November, Sue worked really hard on revamping her website and making it easier to keep updated so it is a more valuable resource to her students. She has done a really great job, so I highly recommend that you head over and check her site out!
  • Becky Hutchins, Special Services at the Middle School
    Becky may not be the most technology saavy teacher around, but her determination certainly pays off and she's been learning all kinds of new stuff.

Congratulations, Ladies! I'll be delivering your presents to your soon.

For everyone else, thank you for coming to visit me last month. Make sure you come to my workshops, PLAYDATEs, or make office hours appointments in order to earn points. Maybe I'll be delivering a present to you after the holiday vacation!

As always, let me know what you think about this post!


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