Hour of Code is Next Week!

The Hour of Code happens next week and Code.com just sent out an updated list of resources. If you do celebrate next week, let me know how it goes and I'll give you monster points. We also love to be able to share the awesome things you are doing so we can keep this awesome technology around!

Here is the email I got from Code.com:
Next week, nearly 5 million signed up students will try computer science for the first time, thanks to your efforts! 
Here’s what you can do in the meantime:1) Choose from final tutorialsEvery Hour of Code tutorial is now ready for Computer Science Education Week. We’ve been adding more options and improving what's available every day. 
2) Use friendly urlsWhen you’re ready to start your classroom’s Hour of Code, write out an easy “friendly url” on the board. Each tutorial has its own short link. Instruct your students to type it into their browsers to get started. This will help us count participation.
3) Print out this certificateAnd prepare to congratulate students on proudly finishing one Hour of Code. 
What to look for next week:On Monday, we’re releasing an Hour of Code kick-off video to get students excited. Look out for it, and play it for your students before the Hour of Code. And, you can kick off CSEdWeek by tuning into live video chats with tech celebrities like Bill Gates and Jack Dorsey with your class. 
Thanks for your support,
Hadi Partovi
founder, Code.org
As always, let me know what you think about this post!


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