8 Ways to Better Use Your Interactive Whiteboard (Smartboard, Brightlink, etc.)

If you have an interactive whiteboard (IWB) in your classroom, odds are that you are using it as a high-tech chalkboard or as a projector screen. But I bet you aren't really using it for much more than that. Heck, I'll be the first to admit that it took me a while to get beyond that when I was in my own classroom! Wrapping your brain around how to use them the best can be super time intensive and feel very overwhelming.

That's where this infographic I found can come in to play. I found it while reading an article, entitled 8 Ways To Unlock The Power Of Your Interactive Whiteboard by Katie Lepi from Edudemic, which you can find my annotated version of the article by clicking here.

I'm going to be posting more resources about all of these strategies as time goes along. Let's make better use of what we are so fortunate to have! :)


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