Tech. Agenda & Announcements for 10/7-10/11

9/30-10/4 Recap: With the testing schedules at both schools this week, I know everything has been extra crazy for everyone and, as such, learning anything new seems overwhelming. If I ever cover a topic during a week that is just too crazy for you, just let me know and we can cover it together during my office hours when it is convenient for you. Or, if you have a group meeting and you think it would be beneficial for me to cover something with all of you, that would be awesome! I am ready and willing to help everyone in any way I can.

Note for the HS: I have officially moved my desk down to room 109 in the corner by the windows. So that's my new home here. Any time that I offer workshops or if you want to meet with me in a bigger group, I will be using the AV room next door.

Here is what is going on during next week in my world, October 7th through the 11th:


Description: In today's digital world, your inbox has likely become something you loath looking at. This week's focus is going to help you get your inbox under control using features built in to Gmail. (Duration: 15 minutes or less)

Monday: MS Workshops (visit the link for workshop times; all workshops held in room 40A unless otherwise posted)
Tuesday: HS Workshops (visit the link for workshop times; all workshops held in the HS AV room next to 109)
Wednesday: MS Office hours (visit the link and scroll down to make an appointment)

Thursday and Friday I will be in Augusta for the ACTEM Maine Conference. I'll be attending 6 sessions over the two days that are going to cover everything from flipped classrooms to Google's Open Class to how I can better support your professional development needs. I am sure to come back with tons and tons to share.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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