Tech. Agenda & Announcements for 10/28-11/1

 (Really, where did October go?)

10/21-10/25 Recap: Last week was a whirl wind with schedules being unpredictable (as always). I attended a workshop on iTunes U on Thursday through MLTI (Check out their awesome workshop calendar here!). I learned a lot and also learned that iTunes U is much easier if you have an iPad. Who knew! I also had the opportunity to attend Scarborough MS's technology workshops on Friday morning. It was a great chance to see how another school does things and to learn just how good we have it with our awesome technology department.

As a slight reminder, I am making every attempt to have a predictable schedule to make it easier for everyone. In general, I am planning to have my scheduled workshops on Monday/Tuesday so the rest of the week can be spent 1:1 with teachers or attending group/team/clan, etc. meetings to serve everyone better. But always check out my calendar to check for the week in question.

High School
Middle School
Flexible day (watch weekly agenda for school)
High School
Middle School

Due to the messed up schedule last week, I'm going to repeat my topic of the week in hopes that more folks will attend. Along that same line, I am going to start inviting teachers to each workshop if I believe that you have a prep during the time that I am running the session. I have had many teachers say they didn't know about it until after the fact, so this is yet another way that I'm going to be trying to reach out to you.

Topic of the Week (10/28-11/1): Starting Your Website with Google Sites

Description: Many teachers requested help with getting their website started when they filled out their tech skills survey. This week I'm going to take it slow and focus on getting the basic framework setup within Google Sites. I will help you set it up and then show you how to create a welcome page for your site and how you would add additional pages. After showing you the basics, you are more than welcome to stick around for extra help should you need it (or you are more than welcome to come back to work with me during my office hours).

As always, if I cover something that you want me to cover with you 1:1 or during your house/team/clan/department, etc. meeting then just let me know and I would be more than happy to do it. Or, if you want me to cover something else, we can obviously do that, too. I am always here to help out in any way that I can.

Reminder: If you are doing something awesome with technology, I would LOVE it if you would brag to me about it. If you have met with me to work on something, please feel free to tell me about it has helped you out as well. "Testimonials" like these are going to prove to be very important as we move forward with technology in the district to provide evidence to the school board and the tax payers that we are utilizing it and changing our classrooms for the better.


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