Tech. Agenda & Announcements for 10/15-10/18

10/7-10/11 Recap: During Thursday and Friday of last week I was in Augusta for the annual ACTEM conference. It was a busy two days, but I definitely learned a lot to bring back and share with all of you. The keynote speaker was Kevin Honeycutt, who had the conference worth going to all on his own. I am anxiously awaiting his address to be posted online so that I can share it with all of you. It was really inspirational!

10/15-10/8 Agenda: After doing several weeks of workshops, I feel it is important for me to check in with everyone to see how I can serve you better and help you more. So I will be spending a day at each school this week trying to see as many of you as I possibly can so I can try to figure that out. I will be visiting classrooms during your prep times and generally just trying to find you. I will also still have office hours at both schools so you can meet with me one on one (or with your clan, house, team, or any other group) to go over anything you'd like me to teach you.

Tuesday: HS Office Hours
Wednesday: MS Classroom/Teacher Visits
Thursday: HS Classroom/Teacher Visits

Past Workshop Topics: I've covered a lot of information in my mini-workshops since school started. If you missed any of them and would like me to go over it 1:1 with you, just set up an appointment during my office hours and let me know! Here is a list of them as well as links back to the post I did here about it and the week that I held workshops about it.


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