WS: Setting Up Your Infinite Campus Gradebook

This week's workshops were geared towards getting new teachers up and running with their gradebook on Infinite Campus, otherwise known as IC, and to refresh the memories of those who are returning. As with all of my gradebook workshops this year, I will be using the Gradebook (Beta) versus the old style one. IC will be switching over to the Beta, likely this year, so it's best to get used to it than to stick with what will be leaving. Also, it does not require javascript, which should take care of a lot of the issues everyone has had with it loading.

To walk you through the process, I created this Prezi. Feel free to refer to it at your own pace as you get rolling this year. If you aren't familiar with Prezi, I'll be talking about online presentation tools as the year goes along as well as trying to use a variety of them when doing my presentations so that you can experience them for yourself.

Tips for setting up a successful gradebook:

  • Use the teacher's preference tab in the "Assignments" panel and make sure you have "trimester grade" select as your default standard and then hit the "Mass assign to multiple sections" to set it for all of your classes for the year.
  • Have your categories for your grades laid out in advance in terms of which ones you want as well as how much each category will be worth in regards to their trimester grade.
  • As you create your categories, make sure that you check off each section of the class so that you won't have to enter the assignments in again the next trimester you teach the class or copy from this section to others. You will have to update the assigned and due dates for each section, but it will get you started.
  • If you already have your assignments and dates laid out for the trimester, it can be easier to just sit down and put them all in at once. You'll be able to copy it from one section to another if you teach the class again later this year (or even next year, etc.).


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