Tech. Agenda & Announcements for 9/23-9/27

Hi, Folks!
I will be out of the office tomorrow (9/20), so I wanted to take a moment to give everyone my update for next week.

The high school students will be getting their laptops next week (9/23-9/27). As a result, my focus will be on that and I will not be offering any workshop or office hours. However, drop me an email if you have something that you want to know about and I will try my hardest to get you taken care of as time allows.

As a heads up for the following week (9/30-10/4), I am going to continue to focus on Infinite Campus by using it to collect student work products and to do assessments. It may not be as fancy looking as some other sites that you can use, but you already have a login (as do you students) and so it may prove to be the easiest way to start eliminating some of that pile of paperwork from your desk while being able to spend more time on teaching. I will be putting my schedule out for that next week and will have it on my calendar on my website as soon as it is set.

Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to complete my tech skills survey. If you have not or it didn't come through, I sent you an email today. And thank you to everyone who has been coming to my session thus far and for filling out my feedback form afterwards. If you missed a topic from a past week or you want to have me do it again, just let me know and I'll set it up for you at your convenience!


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