9/16-9/20 Calendar of Events

Just wanted to send out a general "What's Up?" email to everyone so you know what is going on next week in my world.

Topic of the Week (9/16-9/20): IC Gradebook (Beta)
Now that many of you are all set up with the gradebook after the mini workshops this week, I want to take some time to talk to those of you who are more seasoned with IC about that dreaded "Gradebook (Beta)". It can be overwhelming just looking at it, but it is really awesome! And the old one will be going away at some point, likely this school year, so you are better off getting to know it NOW before you are forced to do so. Therefore, next week's topic will be on just that.

Monday (Middle School): 8:25, 10:05, 10:50, and 1:15
Wednesday (High School): 7:30, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15, 12:50

Please check my calendar on my website for the location. If you know you want to meet with me, I'll make it easy and come to you if you let me know first!

Office Hours (9/16-9/20)
If you have something specific that you want to know about or if you want more one on one time, I am offering up office hours next week as well.

Tuesday (Middle School)
Thursday (High School): I will be preparing for the laptop rollout in HS Room 109 unless you need me.

To lay claim to a chunk of time, just go to http://bit.ly/Simmons-Appt and select a slot, tell me what you want to talk about, and where you want to meet me.

I will be out of the office on Friday (9/20). Also, the week of 9/23-9/27 is on the books for the high school roll out of the laptops. As such, my time and focus that week will be dedicated to that. If you need me, just email me and I'll help you out as soon as possible. Be sure to check my website for tutorials, screencasts, professional development opportunities, and more.


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